Return /Cancellation Policy
Refund Policy - 7 days full refund policy
- Note - Customer has to courier back the product to us from any courier or or click here to courier
- we will check the product and if no issues found will provide full refund
- please contact customer care for return address on whatsapp - 8850166377 or click here
- Any fault or damage of the product is caused by non-manufacturing factors, unauthorized use or modification of the product, including exposure to moisture, entry of foreign bodies (water, oil, sand, etc.), or improper installation or operation not in accordance with official instructions or manuals refund will not be applicable
- If there is no fault ,defect or genuine reason found for return then has the right to deny for refund without customer having any genuine reason . However Replacement policy would apply in all the cases
Exchange /Warranty policy -If any issues in warranty Period of 1 Year we will either repair or replace the product in warranty .
1 Year If Manufacturing Defect , Carry In warranty ,
Not valid if damaged or misused